Successful tenders
Enhancement of production capacity and site development at MONTIVÍZ Zrt.
MONTIVÍZ Vízpalackozó és -forgalmazó Zrt.
Project ID:
Total amount of subsidies:
153 924 323 HUF, 74.99% of the total cost of the project
Non-refundable amount from the total amount of subsidies:
75 936 032 Ft, 36,999999% of the total cost of the project
Start date of performance of the project:
24 / 09 /2018
Planned finish date of the project:
31 / 01 / 2022
Project description:
The aim of the project is to enhance the production capacity of MONTIVÍZ Zrt. As a result of the investment, new assets and equipment will be purchased by the company. This will help to satisfy the ever-growing demand for the company’s products as well as an even better fulfilment of requirements set by regulations on food safety. The investment comprises and covers the complete process of the production from establishment of an own water resource, and a system for filling of bottles, loading of pallets and movement of materials.
Implementation of on-the-job training at MONTIVÍZ Vízpalackozó és -forgalmazó Zrt.
MONTIVÍZ Vízpalackozó és -forgalmazó Zrt.
Project ID:
Total amount of subsidies:
9 325 966 HUF, 99,58 % of the total cost of the project
Start date of implementation of the project:
01 / 01 /2019
Planned finish date of the project:
31 / 12 / 2019
Project description:
The aim of the training project is to improve and achieve two main goals:
- Improve satisfaction of our partners by increasing and developing communicative and problem-solving skills of our employees focused on finding the best solution and cooperation.
- Improvement of employers’ IT skills, preparation for the challenges they will face in Industry 4.0
The project consists of the following elements:
- Assertive communication trainings
- Cooperative trainings
- IT trainings
- Industry 4.0 trainings